Wednesday 11 February 2015

Forever - Tv Show [ABC]

I’ll be honest, Ioan Gruffudd could stand there and basically talk about the weather and I’d watch it and be entertained for a solid ten to fifteen minutes and be satisfied. But before you judge me I’ll have you know that if you have a little looksee at a recent survey done somewhere in the world it shows that I am indeed not the only one who thinks that the English accent is quite sexy and should be ranked number one in the world of accents people want to listen to for hours. But alas, that is not the only reason I think ABC’s Forever is a great TV show. There are, in fact, other reasons that make me fall in love with Mr Gruffudd and his portrayal of the immortal Henry Morgan that go beyond his smooth tone of voice and no, it has nothing to do with the image that follows. Though I imagine it could sway a few others to take an interest in the show.

The storyline isn’t exactly a new one as it follows a man who discovers after a certain incident he cannot die. Though the conditions around his death are somewhat glazed over pretty quickly we do however get the gist of how things go down as the story progresses with more than a few unanswered questions.

We find that our immortal man was a doctor and decided to stay in this field and due to his ‘condition’ has strayed to the darker side of his profession as he has become obsessed with the one thing that eluded him, death. It is this same ‘condition’ that allows him the prolonged timeline to master what he does and thus he becomes somewhat of a Sherlock-type detective in his way of analysing the dead. Of course it’s easy to see how he can be so sure of his expertise as he even goes so far as testing certain theories or finding out causes of death on none other than himself.

It’s an interesting mix of entertainment where I see a bit of Sherlock meets CSI with a dash of fantasy to keep you hooked.

The show does try to keep an air of mystery about it, but I think at times it overdoes it slightly as the CSI prowess of Dr Morgan takes over and we nearly forget this is a 200 year old man just killing time with the police. His storyline nearly fading into ‘forget-me-now’ territory before rounding out randomly with a sudden phone call or skinny dip in the river for our doctor [a side effect to his immortality].

Which I think really needs a mention, but where do his clothes go? Seriously it’s killing me to know this! Such a small detail and I can’t help but fuss over it like an idiot stuck staring at a green light as the cars go wild behind me. Don’t get me wrong, I love fantasy. No ADORE fantasy, but there are just some jumps I can’t make without some kind of explanation, you know…

Anyway, despite the niggly bits like such, I like that the story can work a few episodes without relying solely on the fantasy aspect. It shows they have a story to tell, along with characters that aren’t too one dimensional, which is great in this day and age. The side characters are pretty lovable too as they draw you into the world a bit more.

All in all, it’s a good show to watch once or twice a week. Though I don’t see myself binge watching it if given the chance, I do like the idea of having a second season or at the very least, a satisfying end to the first season.

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