Wednesday 27 May 2015

Parallels - Movie

Sometimes you watch something and all you can think is ‘what the f#@k!’ when you get to the end. Recently I watched said ‘movie’ and I call it a ‘movie’ very cautiously because I still don’t agree with it being referred to it as such. To be honest this movie felt more like a long pilot for a TV show than anything else.

Frankly, I have to be straight and say that if you go into watching this ‘movie’ expecting movie grade specs you will be somewhat disappointed as you get served a TV show meal with TV show acting and TV show plotting.

But alas, where ever one looks on the interwebs they say this is a ‘movie’ so what can measly ole me say or do about it?

But don’t get me wrong, Parallels is interesting. The concept is very intriguing as it has you anticipating what can be accomplished and explored, had this been a TV show, but also what is shown on screen is still pretty engrossing and has you wanting to see more of these various earths they speak of. 

The acting could be better, but I suppose they put whatever budget they had into CGI and the set to build the worlds they travelled to, even though it was only about three they showed us. The advantage of travelling to parallel universes is that you get to keep the casting pool relatively small, while the disadvantage happens to be the fact that whether these actors and actresses can act affects the whole movie, so it’s a win-lose situation I guess.

But, had this been a TV show, the actors and their respective characters could grow so it wouldn’t be a total loss and we’d get to see a possibly epic new fandom, but alas that remains to be seen.

Anyhow, all I can say is it’s a good movie to watch but it would be an even better TV show pilot, in my opinion.

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