Wednesday 26 August 2015

Noragami - Anime

If there’s one thing I love about the vast genre that anime has to offer, it’s that it brings you into so many different worlds that have their own rules and religions that never fail to fascinate me because someone somewhere sat down and took the time to create them. Of course you get the ones that are based off things that already exist, but then they twist off into their own little world as they create the existence within the anime we watch.

One such interesting anime that caught my attention was Noragami. A show that revolves around gods and phantoms as it follows a seemingly good-for-nothing-jersey-wearing god by the name of Yato. Though the gods in the anime are still based off a bit of reality, the world it creates is pretty interesting and fun to watch. But truth be told, I think most of the fun comes from following our useless god and his companions.

The story opens with our heroine, Hiyori Iki, who risks her life to save Yato and as a result becomes a half phantom, someone with basically one foot in the grave. Her new condition has her introduced into a whole new world of what the gods call the ‘near shore’, where all the humans exist and the ‘far shore’, where the gods and phantoms come from.

Her condition also brings her closer to Yato as she requests his services to fix her. As a god in need of finance, both due to his lack of shrine and big dreams of wealth and praise, Yato accepts and thus begins their adventures together.

For the most part the anime is pretty entertaining to watch and the interactions between the perpetually out of luck god and the half-phantom Hiyori are quite fun to follow. Things are especially intriguing when our tracksuit wearing god gets himself another troublesome companion that moves the majority of our storyline forward.

All in all it was an anime that was good for a weekend of binge watching on my part. I especially like that it has a good message behind it all as it rubs in the fact that every action, sin in particular, has a consequence and not a very good one.

So a funny anime with a moral message, what can’t you like?

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