Sunday 28 February 2016

Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete - Anime

Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete starts out seemingly like an normal school drama, with nothing special going on and seems to put you randomly in the middle of the lives of the members of the Astronomy club as they go about their daily school lives as they prepare for their cultural festival. Everything seems quite normal as the students go about living their lives while an eerie timer seems to tick in the background, but you barely notice it as you try to figure out what the punchline is for the story as you sense something coming.

Of course the punchline comes rather rapidly in the first episode as things seem to start over once a certain incident occurs and you see the timer reset. But unlike the first time things become a little different as a new character enters the scene that wasn’t in the first set of events. But overall things remain the same.

The story is a bit confusing, for me at least, and takes a bit of time to figure out but the mystery behind it is somewhat captivating and worth waiting for as you watch on and try to discover why the timer exists. Following the mysterious transfer student, Yui, you get to see the many factors that come from messing with one’s future and the consequences with changing one’s ‘fate’.

It’s a bittersweet anime that grips you for a while as it has you trying to figure things out then eventually has you questioning how things should turn out for poor Yui in the end. An interesting watch when you have the time to spare, however I don’t know about seeking it out especially for a good binge watching. Still, more or less watchable.

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