Sunday 19 June 2016

Blood Lad - Anime

If there’s one thing I enjoy watching it’s the antics of other otaku because let’s be honest that’s always a hilarious treat, especially when it’s depicted in anime and other media. One such anime recently caught my attention and it was quite an interesting watch though I have to admit it let me hanging there at the end.

Blood Lad was an amusing anime that had me curious from the introduction of an otaku-vampire in the underworld. It became even more interesting once I watched the plot unfold and I saw that there was more to the obsessed leader than met the eyes. The story follows Staz, the leader of the east region, who lived his life like your average obsessed otaku as he dreamed of the human world and all its wonders. One day he comes across a human girl who has unwittingly stumbled into the underworld and into his territory. As you can imagine Staz is excited to see the human, while also being quite attracted to her blood.

However, before Staz has the chance to suck her blood she is eaten by some random Venus plant destroying Staz’s opportunity to enjoy the human fully, thus poor Fuyumi turns into a ghost, which turns out to be very uninteresting to our otaku leader. Still determined to own the human he sets out on a quest to revive Fuyumi all so he can ravish her human flesh.

Things get interesting as they travel between the human world and the demon world in search of the answer to Fuyumi’s resurrection. Things also become complicated as Staz slowly begins to change his reasons for reviving Fuyumi.

The anime is quite interesting, though I feel like it lacked progression in terms of the main plot and the reason I say this is simply because once you get to the end of the anime you basically end off right where you started. It’s slightly frustrating, even if they throw in some good fighting scenes. For me, the anime felt like it lacked any sort of conclusion. I can understand if the manga isn’t finished and that prevents the anime from actually having an ending, but even then some form of closure would be nice. Of course I suppose if you’re going to have a second season that wouldn’t be necessary, but in a world where things can get so easily cancelled and cut short, it’s still would help a lot to properly sendoff even one season.

Would this be an anime I recommend? Depends on all sorts of things, like whether or not you like being frustrated. If the answer is no, then it’s probably best to steer clear of this one, but that’s only my opinion. Who knows maybe you’ve been waiting for this to be an anime and wouldn’t mind being slightly disappointed? All to his own I guess.

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