Friday 8 April 2016

Musaigen no Phantom World - Anime

The imagination is an amazing place. So much so that sometimes I wonder if it should just exist outside of where it already is….those are the kinds of thoughts I thought I was the only one to have until this anime came along and delighted my world with its existence and told me, someone else thinks the same way I do. You know how relieving that is? Of course you do, you’re the internet.

Musaigen no Phantom World is an interesting anime. It follows the activities of a group of students with special abilities who eradicate troublesome phantoms. Theses phantoms exist along with many others dues to an outbreak that infected humanity allowing them to see into, arguably, another dimension.

But that’s not all it did as it allowed some of the younger generation born into the infected population to gain special abilities. It’s these individuals that help ‘contain’ the phantoms that threaten of go out of control as people seemingly go on with their lives living alongside the phantom infested world.

The group we follow is those gifted with abilities. However, they remain quite low in their success rate of phantom containment, with regards to damages done to private property. But their luck changes as they acquire new members with relatively powerful abilities and grow closer with other classmates who join their little group.

The characters are fun to watch, from the book-ish artist who seals their enemies through his drawings to the fiery fighter whose sexy jutsu make it almost cringe-worthy to watch her bring forth the elements from within herself, make the show entertaining and enjoyable to watch. I also don’t mind the little crush the cute phantom-eater has on the fiery warrior leaving room for many yuri* innuendos. It’s plain down adorable-ness.

Another thing I like about the show is the psychological problems they address in the storylines. Dealing with such things in such a fun and understanding way is something I can deeply respect and love. Sure it’s light-hearted and not overly serious but still, it’s addressed in a way. So, props to the creator and sponsors who brought this awesome to our eyeballs.

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