Monday 8 June 2015

Kekkai Sensen - Anime


Yes, I think I’ll go with that… retro. If I had to describe this anime in any way possible, I’d have to say it had a retro ‘feel’ to it. Watching an episode of this anime is like being woken up halfway through a half-eaten sandwich. I don’t know why, but that is the image that comes to me when I think of this anime for some reason.

Kekkai Sensen [Blood Blockade Battlefront] is probably a show with a plot, but to be honest, I wouldn’t be able to tell you much about it other than that it has to do with a guy who has some seriously cool blue eyes that just so happens to see everything. Eye’s that the other characters have continually referred to as ‘God’s eyes’.

Besides the guy with the amazing eyes there exists a group of people who utilize their blood in various forms of weaponry as they protect a futurist New York City that has been altered by the presence of another world interlaced with it.

This strange new world has brought with it stranger beings that have somehow integrated with the society there and an odd balance of life has been found with both the humans and non-humans. The setting is pretty fascinating in itself to be honest as each episode takes us on a journey with the protagonist who is originally out of town, as he explores the place and encounters the intriguing bits of weird that exist as norm in the city.

I’ll admit it’s a bit frustrating trying to figure out what the hell is happening half the time, but the rest of the time I’m quite captivated by the characters and the strangeness of the world they live in. As chaotic as the series may seem, to me at least, the characters are quite lovable and the build-up of the actual plot in the background is still gripping.

But I suppose it still can’t be denied that it’s a slow start with the overall storyline as all these other things seem to keep happening, but I’ve only watched a few episodes, who knows maybe there’s more to the chaos than meets the eye, either way I hope the main story gets some action eventually and blows all the impatience out the water and makes it worth the wait.

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